Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act Call for Projects

The Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act (ASADRA) provides funding for water and wastewater resiliency projects for Georgia cities, counties, or water authorities that were impacted by Hurricane Michael.

Please see the call for projects letter below for more information and the ASADRA Drinking Water Eligibilities and ASADRA Clean Water Eligibilities for a comprehensive list of eligible projects. All potential projects must complete a pre-application (Microsoft Word).

Please email completed applications to [email protected].

The 2020 IUPs are provided below.


1. Is principal forgiveness available?

Principal forgiveness is available for ASADRA-eligible projects.

2. Can I still receive funding if my project is listed toward the bottom of the Fundable List?

The Fundable List will list all pre-applications submitted in descending order according to score. Projects toward the bottom of the Fundable List can still receive loan funding through ASADRA. Only projects that score high enough to receive principal forgiveness and are eligible to receive principal forgiveness via the Affordability Criteria will be allotted principal forgiveness.

3. Can a consulting engineering firm complete the pre-application?

Yes. A consulting engineering firm, working on behalf of its client, can complete the pre-application. Consulting engineers must certify that the information is true and accurate, and the applicant has been consulted concerning the information provided.

4. Do I need a GEFA loan number to complete a pre-application? Do I need a GEFA loan number to submit environmental documentation to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD)?

Applicants do not need a GEFA loan number to submit a pre-application. EPD will require a GEFA loan number for submitting environmental documentation for approval. EPD requests this number to maintain appropriate tracking of all projects. If your community needs a loan number to accompany environmental documents, and a GEFA application has not yet been submitted, please contact GEFA and we will provide you with a loan number to accompany your environmental submittal to EPD.

5. How will principal forgiveness eligibility be determined?

Principal forgiveness eligibility will be determined using the 2020 ASADRA Affordability Criteria, which considers median household income, unemployment rate, percentage not in labor force, poverty rate, percentage on Social Security, percentage on Supplemental Security Income (SSI), percentage with cash public assistance, percentage with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), age dependency ratio, and population trend of the borrower.

6. Will my project be required to comply with the Davis-Bacon wage rate requirement and the new American Iron and Steel (AIS) requirement?

All “treatment works” projects will be required to comply with the Davis-Bacon wage rate requirement and the new AIS requirement. Treatment works projects are defined as, “any devices and systems used in the storage, treatment, recycling, and reclamation of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature to implement section 201 of this act, or necessary to recycle or reuse water at the most economical cost over the estimated life of the works, including intercepting sewers, outfall sewers, sewage collection systems, pumping, power, and other equipment, and their appurtenances; extensions, improvements, remodeling, additions, and alterations thereof; elements essential to provide a reliable recycled supply such as standby treatment units and clear well facilities; and acquisition of the land that will be an integral part of the treatment process (including land use for the storage of treated wastewater in land treatment systems prior to land application) or will be used for ultimate disposal of residues resulting from such treatment and acquisition of other land, and interests in land, that are necessary for construction.”