Lead Service Line Replacement Program

The Lead Service Line Replacement Program (LSLR) provides financing solely for lead service line inventory management and lead service line replacement projects that will assist local communities with the implementation of proactive LSLR programs. 

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) LSLR

  • Funding for Federal Fiscal Year 2022 - $66,808,000
  • Funding for Federal Fiscal Year 2023 - $28,660,000
  • The required initial statewide lead service line inventory deadline is October 16, 2024.
  • EPA will share models, guidance, and build state capacity to assist local communities and to ensure lead service line funding is effectively and equitably deployed.
  • Any project under this appropriation must replace the entire lead service line, not just a portion, unless a portion has already been replaced.

BIL 2024 Lead Service Line Replacement Program Loan Application 

Applications will be accepted until Tuesday, December 31, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Click the link before for the application.

Lead Service Line Replacement State Environmental Review Process

A State Environmental Review Process (SERP) conducted by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) is required for financing through the DWSRF. 

Lead Service Line Inventory Project SERP

The following documents provide an overview of the expedited Categorical Exclusion (CE) SERP process applicable for only LSL inventory projects. Please be advised that the expedited SERP listed below will not be accepted for LSL replacement projects. The applicant will provide a description of the project on the application, plan and specs are not applicable here unless they are doing replacement along with the inventory.  GEFA Staff will send over the ECF and detailed project description to the EPD Office. EPD Staff will post these projects on their website and issue a final approval without waiting for 30 days comment period to end. If comments are received, EPD will respond to any comments and may require the applicant to do a public notice and hearing. 

Lead Service Line Replacement Project SERP

The following documents provide an overview of the standard Categorical Exclusion (CE) and Notice of No Significant Impact (NONSI) process applicable for LSL replacement projects. Please be advised that standard SERP process will apply for all LSL replacement projects.  For more information on the SERP process, please visit our application process webpage: 

Lead Service Line Replacement Program Loan Draw Process 

The following documents will be required for the submittal of all LSL inventory and replacement projects for the reimbursement of eligible expenditures. Borrowers should review the "Guidance Document for Project Requirements" document, which is located on the GEFA website at gefa.qeorqia.qov/loan-documents

Lead Service Line Replacement Program Federal Requirements 

All potential borrowers receiving funding under the BIL Lead Service Line program must meet the federal government requirements of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). Borrowers should review the "supplemental General Conditions for Federally Assisted State Revolving Fund," which are located on the GEFA website at qefa.qeorqia,qov/loan documents

The DWSRF federal requirements include:

  • SERP
  • Davis-Bacon Wage Requirements
  • American Iron and Steel (AIS)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
  • Build America Buy America (BABA)
  • BIL Signage 

For additional information on the federal requirements of the DWSRF program, please view GEFA's webinar:  

Lead Service Line Replacement Program Funding - Engineer Forums:

This virtual forum, GEFA staff members covered all aspects of the Lead Service Line Program funding. Participants learned how to submit grant applications and loan draws, reviewed federal requirements of the program, and saw how inspections will be conducted. Click the links below to watch.

Lead Service Line Replacement Program Inventory Funding Awards

Through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan, GEFA awarded $18,703,480 in grant funding to 204 Georgia communities for lead service line inventory projects. Click the link below for the list of communities that received this funding.