Design, Installation, Removal, and Remediation

Assistance is available to ensure state agencies remain compliant with rules and regulations.

Guidance is available to state agencies for installing new fuel storage tanks.

The FSTP reviews the fueling needs for each agency or department upon request and recommends a solution for each site. Considerations include release detection, spill protection, overfill protection, corrosion protection, tank monitoring systems, proper tank and piping installation, record keeping, and overall regulatory compliance.

Construction contracts are awarded through a competitive bidding process to a private sector company. The FSTP inspects the fueling system during construction, and also submits the fueling system to a rigorous final examination before it's activated.

The FSTP is responsible for the installation, upgrading, and removal of underground storage tanks (USTs) and aboveground storage tanks (ASTs), and remediating petroleum-contaminated state-owned facilities.


  • Assists in the design, installation, and upgrading of fuel storage systems
  • Ensures compliance with rules and regulations
  • Funds engineering and design costs; equipment and construction costs are paid by the state agency


  • Removes obsolete tanks
  • Performs required soil and groundwater testing after removal
  • Removal and testing costs are paid by the state agency


USTs and ASTs sometime release stored petroleum, such as gasoline, diesel, used oil, heating oil, or ethanol into the environment. When this happens, FSTP works with state agencies to assess the degree of contamination and remediates the site.