Fundable Lists

GEFA included all projects submitted during the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), and Georgia Fund call for projects. The following criteria will be used to prioritize loan applications for consideration by the GEFA board or directors: 

  • Loans in process for previous board meetings but not yet approved;
  • Loans that qualified for principal forgiveness in a previous Intended Use Plan (IUP);
  • Loans that qualify for principal forgiveness in the current IUP;
  • Loans that received a high CWSRF or DWSRF project score;
  • Loans for projects that focus on public health and/or environmental compliance; and
  • Loans for projects for economic development and/or projects of regional significance. Regional significance is defined as a project that benefits two or more communities.

The list is in order of adjusted affordability score, not in order of priority. The adjusted affordability scores are used by GEFA to determine principal forgiveness and the percentage of the project cost eligible for financing. Funding will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, but the project must be ready to move forward. GEFA reserves the right to finance your project from the Georgia Fund if it is not receiving principal forgiveness.

The 2025 Fundable lists are provided below.

Loan applications may be submitted by the deadlines provided below for any project on the fundable lists.

  • November 1, 2024, for the January 2025 board meeting
  • March 1, 2025, for the May 2025 board meeting