January 25, 2017

Video case studies highlight major GEFA projects

Investments in Polk County and Sandy Springs documented in informational videos

Social media has conditioned people to prefer watching short videos as opposed to reading posts and articles. And many studies have shown how effective these videos can be.

  • The audience retains more information.
  • Videos immediately grab the audience’s attention.
  • Videos are easy to share on social media.
  • Videos help create a face for an organization’s brand.

Noticing this trend, the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) decided to go behind the video camera and create video case studies on projects it has financed.

In the past year, GEFA’s Public Affairs Division created videos about two projects—a spring enclosure in Polk County and an electric vehicle (EV) charging station program.

The Polk County Water Authority received a $1.2 million Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan to finance an enclosure for Deaton Spring. This spring supplies 70 percent of the county’s drinking water, and thanks to the enclosure, the spring is secure from floodwaters, erosion, and the environment around it. The video captures how the enclosure has improved the county’s water supply.

Charge Georgia provided matching grants to colleges, universities, state agencies, and cities and counties for the installation of EV charging stations. In the city of Sandy Springs, two charging stations were installed in Hammond Park. Sandy Spring chose this location because the park is in the middle of a business district and easy for people to get to. The video gives you a first-hand account of Sandy Springs’s participation in the program.

GEFA has many more projects like these two. By creating short, informational videos, the public and potential customers will gain a better understanding about what GEFA can do for a community and the state.

Click here to watch the videos on GEFA's YouTube channel.